416-435-7372 or 905-985-8389 info@anovelapproach.net

Your Commitment:

  • Create at least 3000 words (approximately 12 double-spaced pages) every two weeks and post them on the secure password-protected website. Your fellow writers will read and make comments on your post, ideally before the next workshop date. The instructor will make comments on printed copies of your submissions (as well as on the website) and email you an electronic copy or hold them if you would like to pick them up. (Your preference)
  • (You are certainly welcome to produce more than 3000 words, but in order to achieve your goal, you should be producing at least 1,500 words per week.)

  • We spend about half of each workshop together writing new material in a prompt-based silent writing environment, and sharing the new writing. So you should be able to reach half of your word count in the class.)
  • Review and supply positive critiquing of each other’s work online.
  • Many friendships have been created in this workshop between writers sharing each other’s inspiration and providing mutual encouragement. Interaction between participants reinforces the key aspects of both writing and storytelling in a symbiotic manner.

  • Attend as many of the ZOOM workshops as possible.
  • (If you can’t make a workshop,) Check the website for the assignments and information afterwards.
  • Post your work on your own section of the A Novel Approach secure website. WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO DO THIS!
  • This is password protected and only visible to the instructor and your other workshop participants.

    (In order to maintain a level playing field in terms of word counts posted, participants are encouraged to limit postings to 3000 words to ensure everyone has the time to read all of the new pieces posted. Having said that, your instructor is available to read your additional new writing if you go over the word count. Please ask your instructor how much additional writing they will have time to read.)

THE 21,000 WORD REVIEW(included as part of A Novel Approach First Draft)

  • Provide a Word document of your manuscript at the 21,000 word mark and email it in to your facilitator before the start of the 8th workshop. Your facilitator will review your manuscript.
  • Once the facilitator has completed a review of your manuscript, you will meet with him or her on ZOOM during one of the convenient interview time slots set aside in January. This meeting (usually about an hour or so in length) will celebrate the strengths of your novel or memoir, as well as addressing any concerns you, or the facilitator, may have about how the project is developing. At this time the facilitator will also address questions that may arise for the reader, and suggest directions that may prove fruitful as you complete your first draft.
  • Join your fellow writers and families at a CELEBRATION at the end of June to share the joy of completing your manuscript!