Register for SECOND DRAFT PART 1 Substantive Edit by James Dewar | Aug 21, 2018 | Payment First Name (required) Last Name (required) Your Email (required) Contact Telephone Please register me for A NOVEL APPROACH SECOND DRAFT PART 1 (Substantive EDIT) 2022-23 Fiction or Memoir? FictionMemoir Detailed Report or Beta Ready Summary? Detailed ReportBeta Ready Summary Manuscript Word Count (approximately)? PLEASE NOTE: our fees are based on manuscripts up to 90,000 words. If your manuscript is larger than 90,000 words, an additional cost of .015 cents/word is also applicable. (Example: for a manuscript of 100,000 words the additional cost would be 10,000 x .015 = $150 + HST) We will contact you about how to pay the additional amount once you have registered. Please enter these characters in the box below. Δ Once you have submitted the Registration Form, CLICK HERE to go to our PAYMENT PAGE.