“The teaching of craft can be done without damage to a writer’s original voice or artistic self-esteem.”
― Pat Schneider (the 4th precept of the AWA Method)
Why use a Secure, Private Website for “A Novel Approach FIRST DRAFT”?
- Creates an opportunity for you and your fellow writers to enjoy each other’s manuscripts and develop as writers over the course of the year.
- Provides a simple way of sharing manuscripts. Every two weeks you post your 3,000 words on the secure website.
- Provides security and privacy. You will have a private password that will allow you and the facilitator to read and make comments about your own postings and the other participant’s works in progress.
- Only the facilitator and members of the group are able to access it and make comments.
- Provides a central place to reference the syllabus and key aspects of the WRITING CRAFT discussions from each class.
(All workshop assignments and lesson plans are listed on the website for those who missed a class or would like to revisit lesson plans or assignments.)
- Provides a location for a back-up copy of your work in progress. The entire website is backed up regularly.
(PLEASE NOTE: Students should always save two copies of their manuscript – one on their own computer and a backup in the cloud or on an external drive kept in a safe place.)
- Includes a WATERCOOLER (blog format) where participants have the option of conversing with each other about writing-related topics.